Monday, 23 February 2009

School Exchange

The English exchange students have arrived so I get to do fun things instead of classes this week. I feel a bit like their bodyguard, hanging around making sure things run smoothly for them. We went to visit a different school the other day, which has students from 100 different villages all over.

We then visited a cow shed which the school owns for orphaned cows. At feeding time we got to chuck sugar resin at them. They were all lining up to get their share, when a charged up bull came crashing through the middle of them with his mate running away from underneath him. It was hilarious.

The aviary across the road wasn't such a success since it had no birds and I almost caused offence by suggesting that Lord Krishna rode on an ostrich.

The other day we went on a trek to a hill with a temple on top. You have to remember, the English people are all a bit overwhelmed by India, so the temple in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of men who lived there and smoked sheesa pipes all day was a bit odd to them. And so it should be...

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