Monday, 2 February 2009

Really Nice Journey

Have you ever had to sit on a bus that you know is going quite unstoppably towards a place that is miles away from where you want to go?
Thats probably because you live in a country where it's not polite to give people wrong directions.

Basically after having been told it was the bus to Delhi out of "politeness" (because it's rude not to know in India) I found out that it was not in fact going to Delhi.

So I sat on it for an hour and then got off at the first built up area. There were several options to get off on the way but if i used them i'd probably be stuck there forever without money and have to become a rice farmer.

But this place was the end of the world.
If you have ever heard the phrase, "acted as if they had never seen a white person before," belive me it does actually happen in some places in the most literal way possible. Except they also acted as if a white person was some sort of exotic bird that was to be goggled at.
I absolutely swear i had 26 people in a crowd around me, some of them pushing to get a better view.
It was slightly funny but really uncomfortable at the same time, and probably a bit too uncomfortable, so I left the station. Trouble was I was stuck there for 2 hours and all there was in the town was a main road with about a billion huge TATA trucks hauling down the middle. In that time I was invited to two separate people's houses.

So thanks to that man, really polite.

Anyway I got to Delhi eventually and met Rekha, who's a lovely person so it's all good.

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