Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Being a Long Term Resident in a Delhi Guest House

I´m a few stays short of being a familiar face at the Tibetan settlement but it wasn´t the first time I´ve been hanging around there. What better way to round things off than to spend the best part of a week hanging around Delhi.

Delhi is confusing. And tiring. A bit like India.

So I am fully aware I will be off soon and it is making me quite nervous. Not that I don´t want to go home but right now there are about a billion cars all horning away in unison, six beggars mumbling to me, the streets are packed, women are walking around in Saaris, the rickshaw driver doesn´t understand me, people are bumping into men carrying sacks of rice on their heads, the rickshaw is weaving about between trucks- strafing three lanes of traffic, and in Britain its... not like that, which will be funny.  

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