Friday, 1 August 2008


Hey, thanks for visiting the blog.
I won't be around next year, I'll be in India teaching English so I've set this up incase anyone's interested in how I'm getting on.
I'm leaving on the 28th August- first to a monastery, then to a school. Both places have good internet access so I should be updating this quite a lot. I've been told Bhuddists are fun loving guys, so maybe I'll have some humerous stories that come out of my time.
Tom x


markyp23 said...

Nice blog, although I think you smell of feta cheese.

I will also hide behind the guise of anonymous any time I check your blog.

Damn, you have turned off anonymous comments. Turn them on - you will get way more.

Opening_Doors said...

Can't wait to see the pictures of a shaven-headed Tom in a saffron robe!
John and Gill